Scott L. Friedman, MD
Dr. Scott L. Friedman is the Dean for Therapeutic Discovery and Chief of Liver Diseases, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He has performed pioneering research into the underlying causes of fibrosis associated with chronic liver disease. His work has spawned an entire field that is now realizing its translational and therapeutic potential. A 1979 graduate of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, he was a Medical Resident at the Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, followed by a GI Fellowship at UCSF. In 1995-1996 he was a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the Weizmann Institute in Israel. He has mentored over 85 fellows and students. Dr. Friedman has been awarded the EASL International Recognition Award and Distinguished Achievement Awards from both the AASLD and the American Liver Foundation. He is widely respected as a key opinion leader working closely with the biotech and pharmaceutical industry in developing new therapies for liver disease.